Behaviour is generally considered what someone does. It includes what the person does that can be observed and measured. It is common to define behaviour by identifying what actions the person has displayed or what actions the teacher decides that the individual should begin to display.

Here is a list of few basic guidelines to help improve students’ behaviour and campus/classroom discipline:
- Come to class prepared to learn: Always come to class with complete preparation for learning. This includes taking all important materials needed for the day like textbooks, notebooks, pencils and pens, etc.
If you have been assigned to prepare some lessons/project for the day, make sure that you do it before reaching the classroom. Also, have a look at the day’s time schedule so as to not miss any subject books or any other special requirement for the day.
- Do not ever cheat: It is not recommended to cheat in the classroom in any circumstances. You should keep moral values such as honesty always.
It is not a big deal to fail in exams at times but succeeding by cheating is never tolerable.
- Always be on time: Punctuality is one of the best qualities to be developed right from early days of life. Be informed about the starting time of your class and start from home early to reach before time.
Develop a routine to reach campus before the bell rings and be available in your class before the class bell.
- Be attentive to teachers while teaching: It is compulsory to give your full attention to the classroom while teachers are taking classes.
You can relax during break times and be dedicated to listening while teaching is going on. This will help you to not miss any lesson areas and ask any doubts about the teacher straight away.
- No vandalism is allowed in the campus/classroom: Making deliberate damage to objects is not allowed on any grounds in the campus premises.
Understand that the chairs, desks, blackboard, cabinets, equipments (Lab, Sports, etc), etc in the campus/classroom are common properties. Always handle it with care and scribbling in desks/on walls is not allowed.
Have a feeling that these objects are to be reused by the next batch of students and it is your responsibility to give it clean to them.
- Be well dressed in complete uniform: Always come to the campus/classroom in complete uniform as described per the policy. Coming in a presentable manner can help you stay fresh day long.
- Keep your campus/classroom clean: It is your responsibility to keep your campus/classroom clean. It is not advised to litter around the premises but make use of trash cans for dumping wastes.
See that you don’t spill food or water during lunchtimes and get assistance from cleaning staff if you notice any such dirt.
- Maintain good personal body hygiene: It is most important to maintain personal hygiene, always. Take a daily shower in the morning and ensure proper body hygiene before class and evening also to stay fresh.
Wash your hands properly before and after having food and cover your face while you cough or sneeze.
- Wait for your turn in queues: Maintain decorum in a queue, it is advised to stand politely on the line and take your turn.
Always keep a minimum distance from the person standing in front and do not try to push them to move forward.
- Don’t ever distract the class during lessons: Students should see that they never distract the class during teaching through any means.
Never walk around the class during lessons and avoid talking to other students. If you have anything to ask the teacher, ask permission before you speak.
- Respect every one: Students should learn right from the school days regarding how to give respect and take respect. You should start off by respecting your teachers and elders in school.
Even when you are friends, it is always good to respect the space of your fellow mates.
- Comply with all policies stated in the handbook: You should go through the handbook to learn about the policies written in it before the first day of the session itself.
You are supposed to always comply with all these policies under any circumstances.
Have a talk with your parents or the teacher if you need clarifications, have doubts or have concerns regarding any of the guidelines stated in the handbook.
- Reflection on Applied Behavior Analysis - 24 Best Classroom Rules That Will Improve Student Behavior