Since the launch of Instagram, it has become the biggest photo-sharing social media service in the world. One of the biggest reasons behind its popularity over its competitors was the fact that Instagram was very user friendly. However, as it always happens with any service, to stay ahead of its competition, Instagram had to keep on adding new features which have made the service a bit complex over the years.
Here we bring a few cool Instagram tips and tricks that you all should definitely know, and start using them now.
Post Instagram Photos Directly to Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and More: If you are someone who is posting the same picture on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, or any other social media website for that matter, instead of posting pictures on each website individually, you can set up your Instagram in such a way that whenever you post a picture on Instagram, that picture is automatically posted on all your other social media accounts. How to do it:
All you need to do is go to Profile > Options > Linked Accounts, and link your social media accounts. From next time, whenever you post a photo on Instagram, you can select the social media platforms on which you want to share that photo.
Stop seeing posts or stories from accounts you follow but don’t like: You don’t want to see any more of someone’s pet videos, but you don’t want to hurt their feelings with an ‘unfollow’, either. The solution is to give them a mute. How to do it:
Method 1
- Go to the account you want to mute.
- Tap the Following button.
- Click mute.
- From there, you can choose whether to mute posts, or mute posts and Stories from the account.
- You can also mute posts and Stories by pressing and holding on a Story in your tray, or from a profile.
Method 2
- From your feed, find a post from the person you’d like to mute and click the three dots on the top right hand corner of the post.
- Click mute.
- From there, you can choose whether to mute posts, or mute posts and Stories from the account.
- You can also mute posts and Stories by pressing and holding on a Story in your tray, or from a profile.
Rearrange filters: Keep one filter at your fingertips and get other one out of your sight by customizing your menu of filter options. How to do it:
- When posting a photo or video, go to Filter.
- Scroll to the end of your filters and tap Manage.
- Press and hold the three line icon next to each filter on the left-hand side of the screen to rearrange the order of your filters.
- Check or uncheck the circles next to each filter on the right-hand side of the screen to hide or unhide filters.
- Click Done to save your settings.
Add Unique Fonts To Your Instagram Bio: Maintaining a well-updated Instagram bio is the key to make your profile stand out. Of course, you can always add things like emojis, links to your work samples, etc. to give people a bit more information about you. But did you know that you can use some unique and cool fonts to make your profile look better?
The easiest way to do that is by using websites that customize the texts for you. Here’s how you can do that:
- Open the web browser on your mobile and go to the website called LingoJam.
- As soon as you open the site, you’ll see a text box where you can enter your desired text.
- The same bio text in different typefaces appears in the other text box.
- Now, you can simply copy the text and paste it into the “Bio” section of your profile to give your profile a unique look.
Clear your search history: Make sure no one ever finds out that you’ve been hunting for photos by wiping your Instagram search history squeaky clean. How to do it:
- Go to your profile.
- Open the hamburger menu in the top right corner.
- Tap Settings.
- Tap Security.
- Scroll to the bottom, and then tap Clear Search History or Search History.
Create shortcuts for common responses: iOS users can create auto-complete comments to respond to common questions, and save precious seconds. Time is money, people. How to do it:
- On your Instagram profile, tap the hamburger menu and then Settings.
- Tap Creator and then Quick Replies.
- Tap New Quick Reply
- Choose a few words or a phrase to act as a Shortcut (e.g., OpeningHours).
- In the Message section, type the generic response you would like to create (e.g., “Hi! We’re only open for business during the Full Moon!”.).
- Tap Save
- Anytime you want to use that specific comment, type out your shortcut and your phone will automatically populate the full phrase.
Remove old posts (without deleting them forever): Like the Instagram equivalent of the Disney vault, you can hide old posts out of sight with the “Archive” function. How to do it:
- Tap … at the top of the post you want to remove.
- Select Archive.
- To review all archived posts, go to your profile and tap the hamburger icon in the top right corner.
- Tap Archive,
- At the top of the screen click Archive to view either Posts or Stories.
- If you want to restore content to your public profile, simply tap Show on Profile at any time and it’ll show up in its original spot.
Choose a cover photo for your video: Your hair looked particularly good 10 seconds into your video, and you want the world to know. Here’s how to handpick the still that kicks off your video. How to do it:
- Use a graphic design tool like Canva to create an intro image, and then place at the beginning or end of your video with editing software.
- Tap the + button on the bottom of your screen to select a video from your.
- Library, or create one in the moment.
- Next, tap Cover.
- Select the intro image from the selection of stills.
Hide Stories From Users: One useful feature that Instagram introduced for Instagram Stories is the ability to hide them from certain users. If there are users who follow you but you don’t want them to see your Stories, you can do that by opening their profile and then taping on the three-dot menu and selecting “Hide Your Story” option.
Manage Multiple Accounts on Instagram: Instagram also makes it really easy to manage multiple accounts. This is extremely important for users like me who have different work and personal accounts. To add accounts, tap on your name in the top left section of your profile tab and then tap on “Add Account” button. This is also the place that you will use to switch between multiple accounts.
Share Instagram Profile using Nametag: Nametag is a sophisticated way to share your Instagram profile using funny emojis, selfie stickers, bright colours and more. You can also scan the Nametag of other users on the Instagram app to directly visit their profile page. You can find the Nametag option in the “Profile” page under the hamburger menu.
Add Music to Stories: Instagram has finally brought the ability to add music to stories. Earlier, it was restricted to select few countries, but now it’s available in India and many other regions. You can add background music on a series of images and videos, put music stickers and also publish stories in the dedicated Music mode. When it was launched in India in September last year, the music library was very limited. However, by now, Instagram has got many popular tracks from both regional and international studios so that is pretty good.
- 25 Cool Instagram Tips and Tricks You Should Try.
- Instagram Hacks: 31 Tricks and Features You Probably Didn’t Know About