Kalinga University Raipur, Best University in Chhattisgarh UGC-approved

Academic Calendar


S.No. Particulars Odd Semester
For I, III, V , VII & IX Semester
Even Semester
For II, IV, VI, VIII & X Semester
1 Session Start Date 1-7-2024
2 Commencement of Classes of III, V,VII & IX sem 1-8-2024 2-1-2025
3 Commencement of Classes & Induction program for 1st sem students session 2024-25 01-08-2024
4 Date of Class Test-1 of III, V,VII & IX sem 24/09/2024 to 27/09/2024 03/03/2025 to 06/03/2025
5 Date of Class Test-1 of I sem 24/09/2024 to 27/09/2024
6 Date of Class Test-2 of III, V,VII & IX sem 25/11/2024 to 28/11/2024 22/04/2025 to 25/4/2025
7 Date of Class Test-2 of I sem 25/11/2024 to 28/11/2024
8 Convocation 15-11-2024
9 Annual Function Kalinga Utsav/Sports Week 16-11-2024 03/2/2025 to 07/2/2025
10 Last date for Exam Form Submission 16-11-2024 15-04-2025
11 Submission of Internal marks of III, V,VII & IX sem 04-12-2024 03-05-2025
12 Submission of Internal marks I sem 04-12-2024
13 Preparation Leave of III, V,VII & IX sem 29/11/2024 to 03/12/2024 26/04/2025 to 30/04/2025
14 Preparation Leave I sem 29/11/2024 to 03/12/2024
15 End Semester Theory Examination of III, V,VII & IX sem 04/12/2024 to 20/12/2024 01/05/2025 to 15/05/2025
16 End Semester Theory Examination I sem 04/12/2024 to 20/12/2024
17 End Semester Practical Examination of III, V,VII & IX sem 21/12/2024 to 26/12/2024 16/5/2025 to 20/5/2025
18 End Semester Practical Examination I sem 21/12/2024 to 26/12/2024
19 Summer Training - 21/5/2025 onwards
20 Winter Vacations/ Summer Vacations (Proposed) 27/12/2024 to 01/01/2025 21/5/2025 onwards


1. Extra classes/ATKT classes for weak students on Saturday and Sunday

2.PSC Coaching classes are inbuilt in timetable.

3.Plan for Guest lectures/other departmental activities and submit the copy to Hon'ble Vice Chancellor