Kalinga University Raipur, Best University in Chhattisgarh UGC-approved

Institutional Distinctiveness

Institutional Distinctiveness


Kalinga Plus is an initiative by Kalinga University, Raipur. The main objective of this to disseminate knowledge and guide students & working professionals. This platform will guide pre – post university level students. Pre University Level – IX –XII grade students when they decide streams and choose their career.
Post University level – when a student joins corporate & needs to handle the workplace challenges effectively. We are hopeful that you will find lot of knowledgeable & interesting information here.

K Plus:

K Plus stands for Kalinga Plus which is unique initiative by Kalinga University for the knowledge of students and working professional. The University has taken this initiative to help students and working professional for their success as it is very important for all. Success has great effect on life. It gives a sense of fulfillment. Everybody aspires to be successful in life. But success comes to those who have a proper strategy, planning, vision and stamina. A proper and timely application of all these things is bound to bear fruit. K Plus will provide you knowledge on various aspects which will help you in future terms.


Up to XII Students:

After you give your Xth Board examination you are faced with life’s first and biggest choice of selecting a stream, you are in a confusing network of science, commerce and arts. Normally, students are unaware of the fact that class Xth Board is the initial and crucial stage of building a career which will lead you to your goal.

UG & PG:

In India the Graduation system is classified into two parts: Under graduation (UG) and Post-graduation (PG). It takes three or four years to complete an “undergraduate” degree, however a “postgraduate” degree takes two to three years. It’s really important to choose graduation or post-graduation wisely.

Tech Tips:

A collection of Tech Tip features, which answer questions about technology, devices and apps in our lives. Get more from your technology and gadgets with Tech tips, tricks, it has combined different technology tips to answer the most common technical questions.

Mock Test:

Mock tests basically are practice papers that are prepared purely based on the latest exam pattern and syllabus of the respective examination. These are a simulation of actual exams practicing which aspirants can gauge their actual potential.

We have given direct download links for a set of free Question Bank with solutions for aspirants to practice and improve their performance by solving these mock tests on a regular basis.


Some students find themselves constantly in trouble excluding studies. There are so many ways to become distracted, and you are hardly alone! You can still learn to follow the rules and channel your energy into becoming a better student. This will help you out to be a better student and a person.


Enjoying a few hours of your hobby a week can also reduce the risk of depression and dementia. Hobbies refocus your mind on to something that you enjoy doing. Hobbies that include physical activities create chemical changes in your body that help to reduce stress. Here most common hobbies are included.

Working Professional:

We often hear how important it is to behave “professionally” in the workplace. If you want to get ahead, be taken seriously, and have your boss think of you as an asset to the team, doing things in a professional way is vital. This will help out to work more on professional aspects

University Distinctiveness Activity Details
